Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Bright Blue Eyes
A Handful from the Start
Good Looks, Athletic
And declared brilliant
by ALL
Standardized tests maxed
a grade skipped, future Presedential expectations
were proclaimed

Perhaps all the expectations became too much
and self medication via reading
could no longer soothe the pain inside

Experimentation leads to abuse, led to addiction
Police sirens, jails and hospitals
Rehabs, counseling and various attempts to focus
All seemed for nothing

No matter how many times you put your hands on it
that stove will still burn

One can hope as maturity arrives
the lessons are one day learned

It remains hard to watch as it seems
that the struggles continue years later

But I wonder, as it seems you reach out to the stove
to burn yourself one more time
how far the apple has fallen from
the tree

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