Monday, October 21, 2013

Bums and Virgins

5 months since I've been around here...

Knocked down a few pegs I might add, unemployed and found to be not desired by the corporate world.

No more "Made it Ma, Top of the World".  Just a mad scramble to pay the bills and figure out what's next. Waited quite some time and struggled with the decision to utilize my unemployment rights but signed up for a few weeks.  Found it its a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit and red tape, not worth the pittance of cashed doled out, so I quit taking it.

How quickly we fall, from 6 figures to 0 income.  Someone quickly explain to me again that line about money not buying happiness? Perhaps, but I can tell you this, it pays for everything else.

So, I'm now self employed, they say do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. I say bullshit. Long hours, lots of stress but yeah, I don't answer to anyone and the money I make is for me, not for any corporate entity that could give two shits about me. Happier? Dunno, seem to have the "Bear" growling inside me again.  You know the line from One Stab " I think it was the Bear growling inside of him..."

But if I did some type of quick Freudian / Breuer psychoanalysis on myself I'd find that, yeah, perhaps unconsciously, I am my own worst enemy. As mentioned here before, it seems with age comes a reflection back on / to a time less, oh I could use any number of adjectives to paint a picture, but lets just roll with fucked up.


Coach Phillips passed away this weekend and I can say I was sad.  I'd never met the man but I felt like I'd known him all my life. I have another post on here about the pep rally and what was going on in Houston at the time and your welcome to find it and watch the Youtube video I posted.

I don't know that there was a better time in my youth. Freshman in High School - Top of the World!  As an only child I loved going to school and always had perfect attendance. Everyday in High School was for me a total adrenaline rush. People I've never met, Hippies, Jocks, Jells of all different age, people drove cars, smoked in the parking lot, skipped class, fought, why would anyone want to miss that?  And the Girls... Oh the girls. New girls my age and the older girls who were all fully developed and occasionally paid attention to you, Glorious! Tie all this into the fact that the Oilers were winning under Bum and the entire city seemed to crackle with electricity. He never really left here, always in some commercial or on TV. The Oilers, well they packed up and left and there is a new team here, The Texans.  I suppose people are tied emotionally to them as for me, I watch, I cheer but if they lose, its no big deal.

I suspect it was the time in my life, high school football, all the feelings that go with trying to grow up and listening to the Oilers on AM Radio, when they did not sell out.  And being part of that Pep Rally, which was just totally amazing. I saw a picture of Bum in a Leisure Suit with his cowboy hat on and I thought of my dad and Gilley's and Bud and Sissy from Urban Cowboy are you Kidding Me, it all came rushing back and I was lost in a fucking time warp of when life was, for me, simple.

 Luv Ya Blue, Luv Ya Bum.

And this morning I come across this.

Take a look at these pictures of Madonna circa 1983.  Man oh Man did I have a crush on her.  Waxing nostalgic over Bum and the Oilers and there is a CNN picture spread of Madonna back when she / we were young.My day is wrecked.

The only place you could hear her before " Like a Virgin" was KMJQ Majic 102 out of Clear Lake.  She was raw and sexual and just everything about the early 80's. She was also in a great movie called Vision Quest with Matthew Modine. More stories from the 80's where high school angst is chronicled, this time via a wrestler. Madonna sang the title track "Crazy for You", she was in some smoky ass bar it was amazing.But it also included Journey, Foreigner, Sammy Hagar, Red Rider like all movies back then it did a great job of incorporating the music of the era.


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