Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Good and The Bad that is Ugly


While cruising the blogosphere I came across the video below and it is worth 10 minutes of your time. 

I was living in DFW just after this started.  With many travels I was in and out of this airport most every month.  I was always amazed that they were there every day, shaking hands, saying "Welcome Home".

It led me to get involved with the Patriot Guard, riding with respect for those who came home after giving the ultimate sacrafice. I managed to do that for about 1 year, then it just became overwhelming. Iraq was hot during 2004-2006 and the numbers of Warriors returning home, especially to Texas, seemed staggering. To be at the funeral homes, to see their smiling young faces from days gone by and the effect that it had on families and communities was just too much for me and I ended that mission for myself.

But this mission has continued for 8 years!  DFW and the North Texas community has to be proud.  Again, its worth the time to watch it and hear MOH winner Sal Guinta and others comment at the end.

Mission Accomplished DFW, Mission Accomplished.


I won't begin to assume to know what led the Staff Sergeant to lock and load, leave his base and begin to kill women and children. I would like to believe that it has to do with the brain injury that he received on a previous deployment. In fact, I hope that the defense, not that there is one, these actions can not be defended and are a disgrace to the uniform and all who have worn it past and present, but I hope they determine that it was due to this.

I would hate to believe that he was just inherently evil as the reports from his service and his wife's blog seem to prove that he was like the 100's of thousands who have served in both theaters and never committed any crimes.  While I can attest to stories of some unethical actions and some have been brought to light, and perhaps I'm just an idealist, but I believe that we are different than the savages we walk amongst during these conflicts. I believe our soldiers value human life and would certainly rather save one than take one.  Does not mean that when the battle begins we won't lay waste to all who rise up, it means that we live by a different code.

What I hope and it's been discussed on some other blogs as well, is that the PTSD slant does not get out of control.  My guess is there are 100's of thousands of service members who have some form of PTSD. You see, this profession, even in training, places our warriors under a tremendous amount of stress in some trumatic situations.  But very few of those, rob banks, molest their kids, start fights at bars or go into a village and kill innocents.  Many are seeking help but my guess is many choose to self medicate and there are various outlets for that my guess is many choose booze.  Either way, society is not full of ticking time bomb crazed war veterans.

My guess is this is where this will go and of course main stream media will have a field day with it.  We will have all types of analysts talking about how its possible that many of those who return could snap at any momement.  I could list a thousand cliche's but I'll just toss out the "one bad apple" one.  The damage done here is bad for those with mental health issues but for me, its far worse for those who served honorably and put forth the effort to do exactly what the mission that this country sent them on called for.Their traumatic experiences are dealt with and the are functioning citizens in society or they are still serving.  And it only takes one bad apple...... 

Thoughts and prayers go out to my friends still in the box, I hope this does not ramp up the fight where you are.  As to the accused, regardless of your issues, real, perceived or otherwise, I have nothing for you.


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