Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day

Like the majority of America gives two shits.
Do some research and find out that less than 10% of America has served.

Amazingly, our all volunteer military continues to take the fight to the enemy and defeat them.

Because I'm elitist asshole who dared to walk where others did not and in keeping with the theme of the blog, I leave you with this:

To those that served before me, I wanted to be you.
To those that served with me, I'd die for you.
To those that serve today, I salute you.
To those that never came home, I miss you.

Some gave all, All gave some.

"Whoever does not have the stomach for this fight, let him depart. Give him money to speed his departure since we wish not to die in that man’s company. Whoever lives past today and comes home safely will rouse himself every year on this day, show his neighbors his scars, and tell embellished stories of all their great feats of battle. These stories he will teach to his son, and from this day until the end of the world, we shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for whoever has shed his blood with me shall be my brother. And those men afraid to go, will think themselves as lesser men as they hear of how we fought and died together…."
I've posted the above a few times, but to hell with it, seems appropriate as tomorrow Veterans day rolls around.

I have few regrets in life, but not continuing to serve is perhaps the largest.
I've been trying to get this DVD I own formatted to post this, but no luck. So, it appears I found the solution on some guys myspace page. Seems appropriate again on Veterans day.

Its been said that I have my own demons to fight and at times I become distant or disinterested, well, do this for about 10 years and then try sitting in a cubicle.

1/75 Ranger Battalion

Michael Myspace Video

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