Saturday, July 12, 2008

Interchangeable yet UNreplaceable

Surfing the rubbish that is Youtube and came across this:

Watch it, wipe your eyes, blow your nose and meet be back here.

Pretty intense, eh? Fucking kid, I never knew him how dare he cause me to get emotional.

Wait, I knew him, I recognize him, I've spent 7 years of my life with him. I know those stupid drunk friends in the barracks. I know the drunk friends at home, I know those proud parents, I know all those girls in the video.

The song in the video asks "if anyone asks you who I am"..Hell I know you, no need to ask.

You are James Markwell who died in Panama, You are Casey Joyce who died in Somalia, You are Bradley Crose who died at Takur Ghar in Afghanistan. Most of all your Corporal Ben Dillion of the 3rd Ranger Battallion who died in Iraq.

I know him, I love him and I'll miss him.

Rest Easy Corporal Dillion..LP/OP's are in place and Claymores are out. We've got it from here.

As your video says..."you've made it, your the worlds greatest."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss those guys every day. I'm just thankful I had the benefit of their company. Even if it was for such a short period of my life.